General information on Edinburgh
Here we will tell you all you need to know to prepare for your trip to Edinburgh: money, language, weather, history, the dates of the famous festival and much more.
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Edinburgh facts & figures
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and the second most visited city in the United Kingdom after London.
An estimated 559,000 people live in Edinburgh. However, during Edinburgh's Festivals, the population doubles.
Health insurance
If you are from the European Economic Area (EEA), we encourage you to travel with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you are from outside the European Union, we recommend getting health travel insurance before travelling to Scotland.
Electricity, plugs and sockets
The power sockets used in Scotland are the same as in the rest of the UK (Type G) with three prongs. If in your country the sockets are different, you can either buy an adaptor or borrow one at your hotel.
Helpful telephone numbers
- Emergencies: 999
- Edinburgh area code: 131
- United Kingdom’s area code: 44