Language in Edinburgh
The official language in Scotland is English. Although in some areas of Edinburgh Scots is spoken, in restaurants and shops in Edinburgh it's rare to find someone who speaks any language other than English.
Sometimes the curious Scottish accent will have you doubting what you're hearing. However, in Edinburgh, you'll have no issues communicating in English.
Below is a list of important words and phrases that might be useful during your travels.
Scottish Slang
Aye - Yes
Bonnie - Beautiful
Gutties - Shoes/ Sneakers
Tassie - Cup
Crabbit - Someone who's grumpy
Hoachin' - very busy
Ken - You know?
Bampot - Someone who is foolish
Messages - Chores / Grocery shopping
Hen - Girl
Useful phrases
Haste ye back - Return soon
Haud yer wheesht - Shut up
Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye - What will be, will be
Gonnae no' dae that - Don't do that!
Pure dead brilliant - Amazing
Am pure done in - I'm very tired
Ma heid's mince - Lost / confused
It'll be skoosh - Don't worry / This'll be easy
Ah dinnae ken - I don't know